
Streamline Content and Get Help Creating It: Launch a Marketing Staff Workgroup


Do you need help to keep up with the demands of social media, blogs, photos, book lists and eNewsletters?

Discover how San Mateo County Libraries tackled the content creation challenge by launching a marketing workgroup with representatives from each library branch. This initiative has filled their editorial calendar with diverse and engaging content, allowing their communications team to focus on strategic planning and new campaigns. Participants in the workgroup not only contribute creatively but also develop valuable professional skills. 
In this webinar, you will learn the following:   

  • Understand the steps to form a diverse and effective team from different branches, fostering creativity and shared responsibility in content creation. 
  • Find techniques to manage and schedule fresh content efficiently, ensuring consistent and engaging communication with your community across social media platforms and an eNewsletter. 
  • Strategies for building buy-in among staff to make a marketing workgroup a reality—by fostering a growth mindset, collaboration, and a healthy space to create and iterate. 


Kailey Fisicaro _San Mateo

Kailey Fisicaro
Communications Specialist   
San Mateo County Libraries

Katie Woods_San Mateo

Katie Woods
Communications Manager
San Mateo County Libraries


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